понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

building kohl supply

today my absentee ballot came. I am so excited. I am filling it in right now, i have filled it out and i am mailing it tomorrow, it makes me get butterflies sort of.

thursday i will register for classes. All i have left to take is portfolio, self-promotion, two studio electives, and two art history electives. Winter will be portfolio and watercolor as a studio elective, and spring will be self-promo and the art of caricature (), but i am having a hard time deciding what history electives to take. I am thinking about: native american art, ethnographic art, censored art through 1945, french modernism, egyptian art and archaeology, or survey of women in art. So far i am leaning toward native american art and french modernism but i would enjoy each of them.

last night i re-read an old dream journal. The dream journalapos;s my favorite journal because it is so plain. It is cream colored and has nothing on the front and has a yellow ribbon on the inside. David gave it to me a long time ago when we were just friends, for my birthday i think. The dreams i used to have were so interesting and beautiful. I miss them.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

aamir khan news recent

Good morning I just got up from bed and quite happy that my biological clock is slowly changing. No longer nocturnal. But itapos;s quite funny thou cause by sleeping early I had a tiff with my mum pulling me out of bed to go for supper. She thinks I skip dinner and start all those anorexic thingy again.

Anyway, I feel like diving again, living on the boat NOT for long but a few days and get a healthy tan *(Remember to get my diving cert from shabby) Miss wearing flippers and wags around like a penguin. Haha

Alright, got to go for a healthy breakfast and thread the bushy brows

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

decode statement sql

...A hefty price to pay for having the cuffs removed. A blessing in a harsh disguise.

If you think you need time to recover from...what happened, think again. Those with the right powers and wrong ideas will surely take advantage of this. The weak are now merely in the ay of the strong.

It is time we rise,and find the Keepers, the Warden, those who have kept us prisoner, and take our revenge With them gone,we might be able to find the damn device that brought us here-and could bring us to our homes This is our time

And Finitevus...darling....this is the time where gods will fall.

[Yes, Lien is aware she is practically calling for a bloody war. Yes, Lien is aware of the consequences of what she said. Yes, I said Liens death would not change her. Ladies and gents, this really is Lien-da... Homicidal, war-loving, and slightly nuts.]

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boone county ky pva

  • �7. When Jotham was told about this, he climbed up on the top of Mount Gerizim and shouted to them, "Listen to me, citizens of Shechem, so that God may listen to you.
  • 8. One day the trees went out to anoint a king for themselves. They said to the olive tree, apos;Be our king.apos;
  • 9 "But the olive tree answered, apos;Should I give up my oil, by which both gods and men are honored, to hold sway over the trees?apos;
  • 10."Next, the trees said to the fig tree, apos;Come and be our king.apos;
  • 11."But the fig tree replied, apos;Should I give up my fruit, so good and sweet, to hold sway over the trees?apos;
  • 12."Then the trees said to the vine, apos;Come and be our king.apos;
  • 13."But the vine answered, apos;Should I give up my wine, which cheers both gods and men, to hold sway over the trees?apos;
  • 14. "Finally all the trees said to the thornbush, apos;Come and be our king.apos;
  • 15. "The thornbush said to the trees, apos;If you really want to anoint me king over you, come and take refuge in my shade; but if not, then let fire come out of the thornbush and consume the cedars of Lebanonapos;�� (Judges 9:7-15)
Olive tree and fig tree were clearly unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices in order to be the King of the forest. What a reminder to all in leadership position To be a leader is to serve. It is about serving the people Have I been investing time in the lives that God has entrusted to me or am I like the fig tree and olive tree who is more concerned about myself. Have I given up my rights and privileges to serve Your people?

We can decline invitation for leadership ie. To serve. Mankind will just keep seeking and searching till they find one who is willing to avail themselves. The wrong person will end up being control. In this context, the thornbush which refers to Abimelech will become the King. Leadership will end up in the wrong hands who will perpetuate service with their own agenda

Father God, give me Your strength, wisdom and joy to serve Your people whom You loved dearly. Serving can be painful if I am doing so without partnering You. If You will,� use me to inspire Your people to serve and stop being pew warmers. In Jesusapos; name, Amen

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daily tablespoon of cod liver oil

Electrical Engineering is one of the hardest, most confusing, and stressful things I have studied. But that just makes it more interesting. Every small triumph is worth that much more. Iapos;ve seen the mechanical and biomedical side of the engineering spectrum, so time for a change in a new direction. Itapos;s a very stimulating field for sure.

Lately trying to set up a wiki for my story verses, along with a few other writers. The working title is "Extropea" after the Extropy Institute. I plan to do a military tech, tactics, weapons, and firearms blog for it.

An updated from the technical front: A cool new ecotech worth watching. That technology is algal biodiesel. Thatapos;s right: using pond scum and seaweed to create fuel. Dead algal biomass under compression created oil in the first place. So, why not continue this trend? Algae gives more fuel output than ethanol of all sorts (including corn, sugar cane, and soy). It requires NO ARABLE LAND. Just a self contained pool of water that can help cycle algae through. Even if itapos;s not used for biofuels, algae can also be used for protein shakes. As weird as it sounds, algae could also be used to grow biopolymers (plastics created by living organisms), and perhaps even recycle them more efficiently. We already use carinogen, a chemical from red algae, in ice cream to help it stick together.

Another use of algae is even more awesome: Put some near factories and roadways. These are the main sources of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can cause plants and algae to grow faster. So, you can create your own carbon sinks (and local fuel sources) directly on-site. Even small towns and perhaps certain individual homes could benefit greatly from those handy microbes.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

david meece lyric


Earth, stream and tree encircled by sea
Waves sweep the sand from my island.
My sunsets fade,
Field and glade wait only for rain
Grain after grain love erodes my
High weathered walls which fend off the tide
Cradle the wind
to my island.

Gaunt granite climbs where gulls wheel and glide
Mournfully cry oapos;er my island.
My dawn brideapos;s veil, damp and pale,
Dissolves in the sun.
Loveapos;s web is spun - cats prowl, mice run
Wreathe snatch-hand briars where owls know my eyes
Violet skies
Touch my island, touch me.

Beneath the wind turned wave
Infinite peace
Islands join hands
apos;Neathe heavenapos;s sea.

Dark harbour quays like fingers of stone
Hungrily reach from my island.
Clutch sailorsapos; words, pearls and gourds
Are strewn on my shore.
Equal in love, bound in circles.
Earth, stream and tree return to the sea
Waves sweep the sand from my island,
From me.

1972 (?)
david meece lyric, david meece lyrics, david meece mp3, david meece sheet music.

american crafters wood


i think i mightapos;ve inadvertently ruined my favorite friendship.

and now iapos;m left dealing with a bunch of crazy girlsapos; problems and neuroses.

fuck that.

it takes being away from a group friend mentality for so long when you realize why you were so desperate for a boyfriend in the beginning.� friends are too much damn work.

they assume,
they argue,
they get sensitive,
they act fake,
they never just COME�OUT�WITH�IT

now being in a relationship is hard work blah blah whatever...BUT�ITapos;S�ONLY�ONE�PERSON, and you mainly just COME�OUT�WITH�IT with each other, fight, and get OVER�IT.

but oh no.

not a group of crazy bitchtards.
and when you donapos;t wanna be involved...they act like youapos;re the cause.

all i want to do is be nice to everyone, and thatapos;s what i do.
somehow shit still happens.
just wish i still had that special friend to myself

chicago was amazing since i saw my favorite band since 7th grade, along with many others.
but kelpat got so wasted i had to save her from the cops twice, get kicked out once, spend ALL�MY�MONEY, etc etc.

landmark.� technology.

i want to be in florida

in other, brighter, news.......

seeing vaste aire at the atomic cowboy with ian tonight
american crafters wood, american craftman replacement window.